Hello Gorgeous

2010 July 17

Created by Abby Lema Dalton 9 years ago
Hello beautiful. The months seem to come round so quickly. 7 months baby. 7 months without you. God I miss you. I think about you all the time. Hope you are happy, safe. Playing with your little angel friends wherever you are. I know you are near me, watching, keeping me safe. Not long until we get the report back from the hospital. Finally we might have some answers about everything that Happened in December. I pray they do what they need to do. The changes they made already have helped a little child at your nursery. Because there was a consultant on over the weekend they were able to save their little hand. That's because of you Eloise, just you, such a heavy price to pay but I couldn't be more proud. I am busy with your memorial Football game, everybody is. Will be such a fantastic day Eloise all for you because you were so special. You are and always will be special. Mummys precious little angel. You going to be taking care of your little sister soon too watching out for her. I miss you every minute. I will until the day we are again. Foreverin my heart, my thoughts. I love you. Siempre conmigo Mi amor Mi Eloise xxxxxxxxx